How to Install A TRC Surge Guard to in Your RV or Trailer?
Having a road trip in an RV or trailer is one of the most exciting moments for you and your family. The vehicle becomes your home for a while, and you have a break from the usual. Considering that you will be in the RV or the trailer for some time, you will need to bring electrical gadgets with you and a source of electric power. For this reason, when considering the safety of the RV, one of the significant factors that you need to consider is electrical safety.
Luckily, it is possible to maintain electrical safety through the use of a TRC surge protector. This is a gadget that provides shock protection and helps ensure that all areas in the RV are well protected.However, for the TRC surge protector to be in a position to serve you well, you need to ensure that it is properly installed.
Below is comprehensive information on how to install the surge guard on your trailer or RV when preparing for your road trip and get to enjoy it without worrying about any electrical emergencies.
Get The Right TRC Surge Protector
Before you go ahead to install your TRC surge protector on the trailer or RV, you need to ensure that the surge you are installing is the right one. More often than not, the TRC surge protector is located in the RV.
Otherwise, you will need to come with one of your own. If possible, it is advisable to purchase a new surge protector for you to be on the safe side. You can buy the surge protector online or in your local electrical shop.
However, be on the lookout to avoid buying a surge protector that will end up causing more harm than good. Some of the qualities that will help you know that the TRC surge protector you purchase is worth your investment are such as:
Installing The TRC Surge Guard
As mentioned above, when you have the TRC surge guard, you are assured that every electrical gadget in the RV is safe. Additionally, the surge protector helps control high voltage and low voltage in the RV.
In this case, if the voltage is high, it helps minimize it to avoid any damage and increases if the voltage is low. This is more so when you have many electronics in the vehicle.
Step one: switch off the power
First, when installing the surge protector, you need to ensure that all sources of power are off. Confirm that the generator or anything else that you are using in your RV to produce power is not working. It is always advisable to take a test meter before you start working to verify that all is off in the interest of safety.
Step two: locate the surge guard
After you have confirmed that all sources of power are off, the next thing is to locate where the surge guard is in the electrical compartment part of the RV. It is always advisable to locate this surge guard when the lights are on to help evade any possible accidents.
In most cases, the surge guard will be located next to the transfer switch.
Step three: Mount the Surge Protector to The Electrical Compartment
After you have located the surge protector, the next step is mounting it to the surge protector. When mounting, you will need to position the surge protector in such a way that it is facing the direction of the power cord, which is incoming.
After that, get the right hardware devices that will help you to mount the unit securely. More often than not, you will use the molded mounting tab for this stage. If the surge power you are using is the 35530 model, you will need to remove terminal block covers.
Step four: route primary cables into position
When the surge protector is already mounted, you will then route the primary cables into position. However, when routing these primary cables, be careful to allow some space, which will help relieve stress or tension of the cable due to the other connections that will be made or necessary changes in temperature.
Additionally, route the primary cable into position into terminal block wells or overexposed terminals.
Step five: cut the power cord and strip back the outer jacket
After you have routed the cables, you will then cut the power cord and strip back the outer jacket. Later, install the conductors, which will also help ensure the safety of surge and the overall electrical system.
When all the connections have been made, you can then secure the load side and line cables. This can be done using ‘U’ clamps. The ‘U’ clamps will be used to prevent strain on the terminal connection. It is also advisable to check the tightness of all the connections at this point.
How to Operate After You Have Installed the Surge Protector
As mentioned above, a trip to an RV is one of the best moments that you can enjoy with your family or friends. However, if there are any security risks, then the trip is not worth your investment.
Luckily, when you have a TRC surge protector, you are in a position to eliminate all electrical problems. Use the information above to help you safely install a TRC surge guard in your RV.